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IoT/Indoor Sensing

Indoor sensing is a technology that detects and tracks the position, status, and behavior of people and objects in real time indoors or in limited spaces where GPS and other devices cannot reach. By processing and analyzing this data on the cloud or local networks through IoT, it can be used for various applications, and in factories and warehouses, it is used for DX in various situations, such as inventory management, improving work efficiency, and equipment operation status. Another feature is that sensing technology uses various devices such as beacons, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, and can be selected according to needs and budget.

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"InQross Kaizen Maker" is a system (patented) that visualizes the locations and operating status of workers in factories, warehouses, etc.

Its simple configuration consists of only a "BLE beacon tag" and a "data collection computer," and is characterized by its ease of installation on-site . In addition, because it uses a closed system that does not use the cloud, no running costs are required, realizing low costs .

Keywords : Factory DX, Logistics DX, Work Style Reform, Cost Reduction

Recommended industries and business types : Factories, warehouses, distribution, manufacturing


Guide Robotics Inc.

GuideNS™ is a highly accurate indoor positioning system that utilizes Visual-Inertial SLAM technology . It uses camera sensors that can be retrofitted to existing forklifts and carts to visualize the site and collect data.

This allows you to grasp the equipment operating status and work efficiency in real time, supporting productivity improvement and safety measures in logistics and factories . Data is provided via the cloud, and by linking with existing systems, continuous optimization of the site is achieved.

Keywords : Factory DX, Logistics DX, Work Style Reform, Cost Reduction

Recommended industries and business types : Factories, warehouses, distribution, manufacturing


This is a service that uses GPS trackers to centrally manage the indoor and outdoor locations and operating status of people and things .

The battery life is very good, and the positioning accuracy is relatively high thanks to the company's own correction logic.

Another plus point is that no construction work is required and you can start using it immediately after purchase .

Keywords : location information, GPS, monitoring, visualization, operation understanding, movement history, business efficiency, logistics digital transformation, prevention of slacking, cost reduction, centralized management

Recommended industries and business types : warehousing, distribution, manufacturing, nursing care, construction, civil engineering, posting, logistics


WHERE Inc. utilizes its proprietary IoT infrastructure " EXBeacon Platform" to realize digital twins in various scenarios, such as offices, buildings, hospitals, factories, and other facilities, as well as construction sites, and provides solution services that utilize that digital data .

Here we will introduce one of our representative services, the smart office solution "EXOffice."

Keywords : Office, free address, location information, conference room reservation, seat reservation, M365 integration, GoogleWorkSpace integration

Recommended industries and business types : Any industry, office, hospital , building

Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) is a technology that uses acceleration and angular velocity sensors in devices carried by pedestrians to detect their movements and estimate their location.

These sensors are installed in most smartphones, and by simply installing a measurement app, it is possible to measure a person's relative walking trajectory regardless of location.

We provide PDR technology as a library to make it easy to incorporate it into various products .

We can support a variety of platforms, so please feel free to contact us.

Keywords : pedestrian / location measurement / people flow / behavior analysis

Recommended industries and business types : Factories / Warehouses / Medical and welfare / Public facilities / Tourism


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