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MRC Location-Based Advertising Measurement Guideline

Location-Based Advertising Measurement Guidelines (MRC official Japanese version)

* MRC: Media Rating Council (CEO: George W. Ivie) is a non-profit organization that conducts research and evaluation of media. (

Since launching its Japanese branch in October 2019, LBMA Japan has identified the lack of established standards for location information collection, advertising analysis, and reporting across industries for businesses in Japan as an issue and has continued to hold discussions among participating members.

As we continue to have discussions with the MRC, we will create and publicly release the MRC's Location-based Media Guideline (Location-based advertising measurement guidelines) with their consent as an indicator for promoting location-related marketing.

This guideline is extremely detailed, covering everything from basic vocabulary needed to conduct location-related analysis to standard methods for location-related analysis and items that should be included in reporting.


Through these guidelines, LBMA Japan will work to build a system that enables analyses and advertisements using accurate location data to reach more people, and promote the design and development of businesses that utilize location data.

If you would like to download it for free, please register your contact details below.

Note: This guideline was translated by LBMA Japan for the purpose of promoting location-based marketing services in Japan. There are no restrictions on viewing this guideline or linking to this webpage, but please refrain from making it publicly available, such as by publishing it on your own website or distributing it to an unspecified number of people.

Once submitted, a download link will be provided.


Interview on MRC Location-Based Advertising Measurement Guidelines May 2021

In this interview, Ron Pinelli Jr., Senior Vice President of Digital Research and Standards at the Media Rating Council (MRC), talks about the guidelines and the outlook for future advertising measurement.

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