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Data provided

Location data provided

This is a service that collects location information from various locations and provides it to users and businesses. Location data is used in a wide range of industries, contributing to efficiency and optimization, and even to the creation of new business models.

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By using technologies such as AI to provide mobility assistance while retaining the analog aspects of human interaction, we are able to build trust and empathy between the support provider and the user, providing motivation to travel .

The locations each person travels to have their own unique character, providing an entirely new service that allows each person to feel the atmosphere of the local area associated with them.


Generate "TV metadata"

M Data Co., Ltd.


株式会社エム・データは、テレビ局(民放キー5局)等と資本提携し、TV番組やTV-CMの放送実績を、テキスト化した「TVメタデータ」を生成しています。 当社データ入力センターで、「いつ」「どこで」「何が」「どのように」「何秒間」放送されたかを記録しております。


「① 番組データ(番組放送内容)

「② TV-CMデータ(広告出稿内容)

「③ アイテムデータ(番組で紹介された商品情報)

「④ スポットデータ(番組で紹介された店・宿・観光地等の情報)

の4種で構成され、ローデータ提供の他に、ランキングコンテンツや調査・集計・分析等のレポート、分析結果を基にしたコンサルティング、TVデータ解析ツール「TV Rank」の提供等があります。


③のアイテムデータは、リテールメディアでのコンテンツ利用に加え、Gen AIを活用したPOP自動生成用の素材情報、需要予測、商品価格最適化等、TV露出による突発的な商品需要増の事前検知、フィルタリング情報としてご利用いただけます。



Keywords : television/program/broadcast/report/featured on television/celebrity/talent power/viewing/trend/topic/now in season/hit product/marketing/dashboard/survey/explanatory variable/abnormal value/outlier/EC/content/retail media/retail digital transformation/CM/advertising/sales promotion/POP/POS/purchase/missed sales/master/store visit effect/effect analysis/tourism policy/alternative/provider/leasing/real estate/development/area marketing/generative AI

Recommended industries and business types : distribution, retail, web media, tourism, travel, local government, marketing, MaaS, finance, real estate, advertising, research, broadcast media, entertainment, analysis services


This is a service that uses GPS trackers to centrally manage the indoor and outdoor locations and operating status of people and things .

The battery life is very good, and the positioning accuracy is relatively high thanks to the company's own correction logic.

Another plus point is that no construction work is required and you can start using it immediately after purchase .

Keywords : location information / GPS / monitoring / visualization / understanding operation / movement history / business efficiency / logistics digital transformation / prevention of slacking / cost reduction / centralized management

Recommended industries and business types : warehousing/distribution/manufacturing/care/construction/civil engineering/posting/logistics

"Profile Passport SDK"

Blog Watcher Inc.


Blog Watcher offers the "Profile Passport SDK", a service that allows you to acquire and utilize location data detected by GPS etc. by incorporating it into your own company's app. It can be used for real-time push notifications and human flow analysis based on various information such as the user's current location and attribute information .

<In the retail business industry> Attract customers with location-based push notifications

<Local governments> It is being used for analyzing the behavior of app users, etc.

Please visit our website for further information.

Keywords : Push notification / People flow analysis / Location data acquisition

Recommended industries and business types : Store business industry/local government, etc.


Location information concierge service

  • What solution do you recommend?

  • Which solution is best for your business?

  • I want to consult with you once.

Please feel free to contact us and the LBMA Japan Secretariat will be happy to assist you.

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