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Location Business & Marketing EXPO 2024
"Monetization and Social Implementation of Location Data"
May 21st and 22nd, 2024 @Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center Hamamatsucho Hall 2F
Simultaneous location talent fair
How can the business solutions, technologies, and hardware of visitors and the location data solutions of exhibitors create new business models? We will hold an EXPO centered on monetization .
Participation is free (pre-registration required online), so please come along.
Event Outline
Name: Location Business & Marketing EXPO 2024
Organizer: LBMA Japan
Cooperation: Smart City Social Implementation Consortium
Date and time: Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 10:00-17:00 - Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 10:00-17:00
Event format: Real event *On-demand streaming at a later date
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center (Hamamatsucho)
How to participate: Register online
Expected number of visitors: 1,000+ (Anyone can attend)
Event contents: Keynote speech, seminar on the latest location information cases with more than 25 participants , 16 exhibition booths
*The conference will be streamed online from May 25th.
Conference Speakers
*There will also be a business card exchange session after the presentation.

Digital public goods expand the GovTech market
Haruyuki Seki
Georepublic Japan LLC
Representative Director/CEO

New National Movement "Deco-katsu" - Public-private collaboration to promote behavioral change among consumers and citizens
Yukihiro Nakamura
Ministry of the Environment
Deco Activity Support Team

Promoting data solutions and the future of location tech through collaboration with partners
Takahiro Yamamoto
KDDI Corporation, Corporate Strategy Headquarters, Data Management Department, General Manager

Specific use cases for people flow data analysis
- Latest trends in trade area analysis/tourism analysis -
Fumiaki Ichikawa
Executive Officer of Giken Shoji International Co., Ltd.

GISTA and GISCOVERY - Utilization and development of location information and GIS in the construction industry -
Gen Iseda
Takenaka Corporation
Advanced Design Department, Design Headquarters
Environmental Design Consulting Group
Group Leader

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's efforts regarding people flow
Masae Takebayashi
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Deputy Director, Information Utilization Promotion Division, Director General for Policy Coordination

Examples of using people flow x maps x research: Introducing the city walking index and store charts
Kazunori Akimoto
Geotechnologies Inc.
Executive Officer, General Manager of GT Direct Sales Division and General Manager of GP Marketing Sales Division, Doctor of Engineering

Initiatives for GeoIoT/GeoAI in the GIS Society
Chairman of the Geographic Information Systems Society (GIS Society) Professor, Keio University

Opening remarks
L-GX guidelines announced
Kuniyuki Kawashima
LBMA Japan
Representative Director

Coming Soon
Shoichiro Tsuruta
General Manager of LCA Division, Sustainable Management Organization

"Japan Tourism Promotion Digital Platform" is a tourism digital transformation project promoted by the Japan Tourism Association.
Junko Morioka
Japan Tourism Association
Head of the Tourism Information Department, Research and Development Division

Latest case study with a major developer! The latest trend in measuring store visits using location-based advertising
Iku Shinmura
CEO of Blogwatcher Inc.

Next-generation location-based services: Co-creation of Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mapxus technology "Mapxus Driven by Kawasaki"
Hideki Ashikari
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
President's Direct Project Headquarters
PNT Promotion Department
Deputy Director

A media strategy that "moves hearts" through a data ecosystem - TV commercials and digital ads that track store visits and purchases -
Takanobu Fuefuki
Unerry Co., Ltd.
Retail Media Business Development Department Retail Media Planner

Accelerating decision-making: Digital transformation for stores, commercial facilities, and urban planning using people flow data
Kei Imai
Agoop Inc.
Business Promotion Headquarters Sales Planning Department

Next-generation location-based services: Co-creation of Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mapxus technology "Mapxus Driven by Kawasaki"
Ocean Wung
Mapus Technology Japan
Representative Director

The ever-evolving indoor location information business! The current status of its use in the office and future prospects
Shota Okamura
President and CEO of B-CAP Inc.

Available from 10,000 yen per month! Location-based marketing using people flow analytics
Kazunori Sumi
X-Locations Inc. Director, Enterprise Business

Current location of DX and
Space data utilization
Hisashi Matsushita
Japan Information Technology Promotion Association
Electronic Information Utilization Research Department
Group Leader

Manufacturing, Logistics and Infrastructure
How is location information being used in industrial settings?
Nasu Toshimune
Multi Soup Co., Ltd.

Combining foot traffic, word of mouth, and statistical data to comprehensively and comparatively visualize a city's attractiveness: Proposal for the "Area Qualia Index" as a city development chart
Kazuhisa Matsuoka
International Cultural City Development Organization
Standing Director

Building governance with PIA at the core to exponentially accelerate the use of AI and location data - Based on real-life examples
Daisuke Yamashita
Privacy Tech Inc.
Representative Director

Location-based marketing and privacy governance: Examples of LBMA Japan common guidelines and PIA (privacy impact assessment) implementation in practice
Shohei Suzuki
Partner (Attorney at Law) at TMI Associates

What can be seen from location information
Takeshi Yamamoto
Azira Inc
Country Manager

Basics of the Personal Information Protection Act and Location Information
Takaki Kobayashi
Personal Information Protection Commission Secretariat
Assistant Director, Personal Information Protection System Office

From Demonstration to Implementation: Concrete Social Implementation of Smart Cities and Creating Sustainable Systems
Toshihiro Tsuchiya
Smart City Social Implementation Consortium Steering Committee Member

Regarding the incorporation of advanced technologies from the ATLA, such as the Security Technology Research Promotion System
Yasuto Shimizu
Defense Acquisition Agency, Technology Strategy Department, Technology Promotion Officer

Coming Soon

Yamada Kozue
Hi-Lights Inc.
Representative Director
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
# | 開始時間 | 終了時間 | 企業・団体名 | 登壇者 | タイトル |
1 | 10:30 | 10:50 | 国土交通省 地理空間情報課 | ||
2 | 10:55 | 11:15 | 株式会社ブログウォッチャー | ||
3 | 11:20 | 11:40 | 株式会社ゴーガ | ||
4 | 11:45 | 12:05 | 日野コンピューターシステム株式会社 | ||
5 | 12:10 | 12:30 | 株式会社サトー | ||
6 | 12:30 | 13:00 | 30分休憩 | ||
7 | 13:00 | 13:20 | 一般社団法人LBMA Japan | ||
8 | 13:25 | 13:45 | マップボックス・ジャパン合同会社 | ||
9 | 13:50 | 14:10 | 株式会社データインサイト | ||
10 | 14:15 | 14:35 | 株式会社ゼンリンデータコム | ||
11 | 14:40 | 15:00 | 株 式会社unerry | ||
12 | 15:05 | 15:25 | 株式会社竹中工務店 | ||
13 | 15:30 | 15:50 | 株式会社パスコ |
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
# | 開始時間 | 終了時間 | 企業・団体名 | 登壇者 | タイトル |
1 | 10:20 | 10:40 | TMI総合法律事務所/株式会社プライバシーテック | パートナー(弁護士) 鈴木翔平/代表取締役 山下大介 | 位置情報を利用したマーケティングとプライバシーガバナンス
〜 実務におけるLBMA Japan共通ガイドラインとPIA(プライバシー影響評価)の運用例
2 | 10:40 | 11:00 | 株式会社竹中工務店 | 設計本部 アドバンストデザイン部 環境設計コンサルティングG グループリーダー
伊勢田 元 | GISTAとGISCOVERY -建設業における位置情報、GISの活用と展開- |
3 | 11:00 | 11:30 | 環境省 | デコ活応援隊
中村 幸弘 | 新国民 運動「デコ活」消費者・国民の行動変容を後押しする官民連携の共創活動 |
4 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 一般社団法人スマートシティ社会実装コンソーシアム | 運営委員 土屋俊博 | 実証から実装へ ~スマートシティの具体的な社会実装と持続可能な仕組みづくり |
5 | 12:00 | 12:40 | 休憩 | ||
6 | 12:40 | 13:00 | クロスロケーションズ株式会社 | Director, Enterprise Business 鷲見 和則 | 月額1万円から活用可能! 人流アナリティクスを活用した位置情報マーケティング |
7 | 13:00 | 13:30 | ジオテクノロジーズ株式会社 | 執行役員|博士(工学)|秋本 和紀 | 人流×地図×リサーチの活用事例 ~街歩きインデックスと店舗カルテの紹介~ |
8 | 13:30 | 13:50 | 株式会社unerry | リテールメディア事業開発部 リテールメディアプランナー 笛吹 貴信 | データエコシステムで実現する"心を動かす"メディア戦略 ~ 来店・購買まで見えるテレビCM & デジタル広告 ~ |
9 | 13:50 | 14:20 | 合同会社 Georepublic Japan
一般社団法人コード・フォー・ジャパン | 代表社員/CEO
関治之 | GovTech市場を拡大させるデジタル公共財 |
10 | 14:20 | 14:40 | Azira Pte. Ltd. | カントリーマネージャー
山本武志 | 位置情報から見えること |
11 | 14:40 | 15:00 | 川崎重工業株式会社/株式会社マプサステクノロジージャパン | 川崎重工業株式会社 社長直轄プロジェクト本部 PNT推進部 副部長 芦刈 英樹/代表取締役 オーシャン ウング | 次世代位置情報サービス:川崎重工業とMapxusテクノロジーの共創 ”Mapxus Driven by Kawasaki” |
12 | 15:00 | 15:30 | 株式会社ブログウォッチャー | 代表取締役社長 新村生 | 大手ディベロッパー様との最新事例!位置情報広告を活用した来店計測の最新トレンド |
13 | 15:30 | 16:00 | 休憩 | ||
14 | 16:00 | 16:20 | 防衛装備庁 | 技術戦略部技術振興官付 清水 泰斗 | 安全保障技術研究推進制度等の防衛装備庁の先進技術の取り込みについて |
15 | 16:20 | 16:40 | 地理情報システム学会-GIS学会・
慶應義塾大学 | 会長/教授
厳網林 | GIS学会におけるGeoIoT/GeoAIへの取り組み |
Exhibitor List
Ministry of the Environment
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center Hamamatsucho Hall
1-7-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-7501 Tokyo Port City Takeshiba

Platinum Sponsor