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DIGITAL TWIN Conference 2022
~No more wandering ~
Work Style DX Realized by Digital Twin
At this conference, together with the organizers Pinmicro, BeCap, and MultiSup (member companies of LBMA Japan), indoor location data, positioning technology, and solutions were presented under the theme of "Digital Twin."
We will hold various sessions where participants will talk about examples of work style reform and DX that have been realized.
[DIGITAL TWIN Conference 2022]
Organizers: B-CAP Co., Ltd., Multisoup Co., Ltd., Pinmicro Co., Ltd.
Powered by LBMA Japan
Event name
DIGITAL TWIN Conference 2022
Event Schedule
November 30th (Wednesday) - December 2nd (Friday), 2022
Online LIVE streaming (archived until the end of December 2022)