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DIGITAL TWIN Conference 2022


~No more wandering ~
Work Style DX Realized by Digital Twin

At this conference, together with the organizers Pinmicro, BeCap, and MultiSup (member companies of LBMA Japan), indoor location data, positioning technology, and solutions were presented under the theme of "Digital Twin."

We will hold various sessions where participants will talk about examples of work style reform and DX that have been realized.


[DIGITAL TWIN Conference 2022]

Organizers: B-CAP Co., Ltd., Multisoup Co., Ltd., Pinmicro Co., Ltd.

Powered by LBMA Japan

Event name

DIGITAL TWIN Conference 2022

Event Schedule

November 30th (Wednesday) - December 2nd (Friday), 2022


Online LIVE streaming (archived until the end of December 2022)


BCAP Inc. Multisoup Inc. Pinmicro Inc. Powered by LBMA Japan

About LBMA Japan
Location Based Marketing Association Japan

LBMA Japan is a trade association that promotes marketing and service businesses that utilize location data both in Japan and around the world. It has formulated and operates the industry standard "Service Guidelines for the Utilization of Device Location Data." LBMA Japan is a non-profit organization that acts as the Japanese branch of LBMA Global (1,600 member companies, operating in 26 cities) and promotes location-related marketing and businesses unique to Japan.

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Lecture companies
Speaker companies

All lectures will be available to watch for free. Please register using the button below .




DAY 01
2022.11.30 wed
DAY 02
2022.12.1 thu
DAY 03
2022.12.2 fri

DAY 01 2022.11.30 wed

Opening: Representatives from the three host companies introduce the highlights of today's presentations

Representative Kawashima will now give a speech about this conference.
LBMA Japan Chapter, which was launched in October 2019, became a general incorporated association in February 2020 and has now grown into an organization with over 50 member companies in Japan. In June 2020, the chapter announced business-specific guidelines and guidelines for the use of "device location data" such as location information, and is actively working to promote location marketing and services. At the beginning of the conference, we will introduce the highlights of each presentation.

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Kuniyuki Kawashima 

Representative Director of LBMA Japan

A graduate of the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, he gained experience in sales and incubation of mobile-related businesses in Silicon Valley, USA, before moving to Japan to work in business development and management in the venture industry.

His areas of expertise are requirement definition for BBC services, business development, digital transformation using indoor sensing technology, and utilization and distribution of location information data. In February 2020, he founded the general incorporated association LBMA Japan and became its representative director.

The evolving power of the Internet that transcends the boundaries between virtual and real

Niantic has succeeded in "moving people" all over the world by fusing virtual worlds such as Ingress and Pokemon Go with AR (virtual reality) technology using smartphones. Mr. Murai, who heads Niantic, a technology company with AR technology at its core, will talk with moderator Nasu, CEO of Multisoup, about what will happen with the "future Internet."


Murai Setsun

President and CEO of Niantic Inc.

Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone in 1997. After working at NTT-X, he worked as a product manager at NTT Resonant.
Joined GMO Ad Networks in 2006 and became a director.
He joined Google in 2008 and contributed to the development of Google Maps as the Japan General Manager of Partnerships for Google Maps before joining Niantic.
In December 2015, he became the CEO of Niantic Co., Ltd., the first local subsidiary of Niantic, Inc. He also serves as the Vice President of Niantic Inc.

Introducing digital medical initiatives at The Jikei University Hospital

In our daily lives, the primary means of communication have changed with the development of information and communication technology, from landlines to pagers, mobile phones/PHS, email, LINE, and Zoom. As mobile phones and smartphones became widespread, convenient means of communication for users also became widespread. The promotion of non-contact caused by COVID-19 has become an opportunity to almost forcibly promote the penetration of ICT in medical institutions as well. In light of the current situation in medical care, we would like to introduce the efforts being made at The Jikei University Hospital.


Kohei Takeshita

Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Medical Information Technology, The Jikei University School of Medicine

After gaining experience as an administrative officer in the areas of medical device licensing and medical fees, he participated in the development of medical device apps at a venture company. At his current position at Jikei University School of Medicine, he is involved in research projects with AMED and NEDO, and is researching meaningful and sustainable medical care for the public and patients by utilizing big data such as medical receipt data and open data.

Introducing a child monitoring support service using BLE technology

While we are developing solutions for corporate labor management and health management that link BLE and cameras, this year, after a child was left behind on a nursery school bus, we began considering whether BLE technology could be used for monitoring, and are working on developing a new service.

We would like to introduce a monitoring support service that uses IT technology.


Takeshi Matsueda

Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.

DX Design Division

* Joined IBM Japan in 1991. Engaged in sales activities centered on solution proposals.

* Proposal activities based on solution know-how for wireless technology, particularly RFID

* Joined Toppan Printing in 2016 and continues to work on sales of wireless technologies such as RFID/BLE.

Towards social implementation of "Digital Twin of Cities"

Digital twins are being studied and put into practice in a variety of environments, locations, and industries. Governments and local governments are also accelerating their efforts, with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's "PLATEU," Tokyo's "Digital Twin Realization Project," and Shizuoka Prefecture's "Point Cloud Database" leading the way. Professor Furuhashi of Aoyama Gakuin University, who has been leading the way in these projects, will talk passionately about the present and future of "Urban Digital Twins" in an interview with Nasu, CEO of Multisoup Inc., one of the companies that handles location and spatial information.

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Daichi Furuhashi

Professor, Faculty of Global and Social Coexistence, Aoyama Gakuin University

Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, chairman of the board of directors of the NPO CrisisMappers Japan, and representative of Map Concierge Inc. His specialty is cartography. With a focus on utilizing geospatial information, he provides technical consulting and educational guidance on Google Geoservices, open source GIS, and open data (OpenStreetMap, PLATEAU, Tokyo Digital Twin, etc.). In recent years, under the slogan "Total of 100 Million Ino-ized," he has become passionate about OSM, a world map created by everyone, and travels around the field making maps using 360° panoramas and drones.

Methods for reducing car accidents and CO2 emissions using digital technology and apps

The patented accelerator trainer app is the first in the telematics industry to utilize digital technologies such as beacons. A talk will be held with President Okamura of beacapp Inc. on how to collect and use the data required for driving data analysis, the reasons why accelerator training leads to reduced car accidents and CO2 emissions, and examples from other companies.


Kazumasa Yasumoto

ARMS Co., Ltd.

Representative Director

Since coming up with the car accident reduction program "Accelerator Training," he has been proposing it to corporations plagued by accidents for 10 years. In order to allow people to experience the effects of this program in a short period of time, reducing the occurrence of car accidents and improving fuel efficiency, he developed a smartphone app in 2019 and obtained a patent. Accelerator training is also useful as an initiative to reduce CO2 emissions, and he actively gives lectures to not only corporations but also local governments from the perspective of realizing a carbon-free society.

Utilizing people flow data to achieve rapid decision-making: Latest use cases and implementation effects

Since the spread of COVID-19, people flow data is being used to make decisions that have a major impact on sales and management, such as marketing strategies, new store opening strategies, tourism promotion, and urban development.
By quantitatively clarifying the daily changes in people flow, people flow data can be used as evidence data for taking appropriate actions and planning policies to solve problems.
In this presentation, we will introduce analysis examples and implementation effects in each industry along with the latest implementation cases.

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Miki Fujii

Agoop Inc.
Business Promotion Headquarters Sales Planning Department Manager

After joining SoftBank Corp., he gained experience in domestic sales before joining Agoop Inc. He is in charge of location data service planning and sales. While formulating and promoting sales strategies for existing services, he currently supports private companies' demand forecasting efforts as a data provider.

From ad delivery to analysis, we do it all in one place! What is visitor analysis that will increase customer numbers?

The previously separate "advertising delivery" and "store visitor analysis" are now integrated into one. By utilizing location data, the difference between "customers expected by store operators" and "actual store visitors" is visualized, and measures to maximize customer numbers at the store are implemented in a short period of time. We will share tips on using digital technology in brick-and-mortar stores and the process.


Takahiro Ishikawa

Blog Watcher Inc. Profile Passport Business Division Sales Headquarters
Solution Sales Group Sales 2 Team Leader

Born in Osaka Prefecture. Joined a domestic general lifestyle manufacturer as a new graduate in 2013. While working at his second company, he came into contact with Blog Watcher and joined in October 2021. Currently, he manages a team as a team leader and is involved in a wide range of activities from acquiring location information data to sales.

DAY 02 2022.12.1 thu

Opening: Representatives from the three host companiesintroduce the highlights of today's presentations
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Toshimune Nasu

CEO of Maruti Soup Co., Ltd.

Founded MartiSoup Co., Ltd. in 2000. With the company mission of "maximizing the value of the 'on-site' with location and spatial information technology," the company continues to challenge itself with digital innovation in the 'on-site', both indoors and outdoors, in various industries, with a focus on its main product, "iField."

Urban development using digital technology: Smart pole construction and data-based co-creation

Smart poles equipped with various functions are being considered in various places as part of the urban infrastructure for realizing smart cities. We have installed 20 smart poles in the Nishi-Shinjuku area and have begun verification together with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Today, I would like to introduce our initiative to provide a co-creation area where various entities from industry, academia, and the public sector can create new value by making the data obtained from the smart poles available to anyone.

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Yusuke Hori

Asset Platform Business Development Group, Business Development Office, TEPCO Power Grid, Inc.

After gaining experience in the construction, operation, and sharing of mobile infrastructure at a major communications equipment manufacturer and a venture, he assumed his current position in 2020. He is currently promoting the launch of new businesses in the sharing field that utilize power assets and smart poles. In addition, from 2021, he will be in charge of various smart pole verification tests in Nishi-Shinjuku together with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, JTOWER Co., Ltd., and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation.

The birth and future of Kajima Corporation's Digital Twin service "3D K-field"

In 2019, Kajima Corporation developed "3D K-Field," a real-time site management system that displays the location and operating status of equipment and materials at construction sites, as well as people's locations and vital signs, in 3D in real time. Its deployment as a "construction digital twin platform" is accelerating at construction sites across the country.
In this session, Mr. Kawashima and Mr. Amanuma, who have been involved in "3D K-Field" from its initial conception and have led its development and deployment, will talk about the present and future of digitalization in the construction industry together with moderator Nasu, CEO of Multisoup.

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Shingo Kawashima

Kajima Corporation Construction Management Headquarters, Construction Planning Department, Planning and Management Group Manager

After gaining experience in construction management for new construction and renovation of office buildings at construction sites, he developed and deployed business systems and IT tools in the branch management department, while also developing 3DK-Field as the development manager for Kashima Smart Production. He is working on visualizing various information such as positioning at construction sites and obtaining operating rates.

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Tetsutaro Amanuma

Construction Management Headquarters, Construction Planning Department, Construction IT Group

Deputy Manager

He is involved in promoting the use of digital technology at construction sites. He is in charge of planning and developing applications and business systems that contribute to improving the efficiency of work at construction sites. In 2017, he started developing 3DK-Field as a technology development project and is leading the project as a PM. He is also promoting the expansion of services to other industries, such as applying the system to smart cities.

The surprising affinity between indoor location services and fire alarms

Indoor location information services are expected to improve convenience and communication for office workers, as well as the convenience of managing items in factories and hospitals. As a manufacturer of firefighting equipment, we began considering providing indoor location information services based on the possibility of using them for evacuation guidance during fires and checking on people who were unable to escape in time. After establishing the service, we have been providing it as a general indoor location information service, but our unique approach has made us realize that there are unexpected needs from users. We would like to introduce some of the various possibilities of this service.


Junichi Murata

Executive Officer and Marketing Manager, Nittan Corporation

Joined Nittan Corporation in 1994 and engaged in fire alarm system design and equipment development projects. After working in overseas businesses, he has been in his current position as Marketing Manager since 2021. Hobbies: reading, cooking, motorcycles

On-demand transportation service initiative to realize the digital garden city-state vision

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is holding a "Study Group on AI On-Demand Transportation for the Popularization of MaaS" and is supporting the introduction of AI on-demand transportation as part of the development of the Japanese version of MaaS infrastructure. Kane, an expert in this field at Fujitsu, an AI on-demand transportation operator, will introduce a case study of an on-demand transportation service that is being worked on to realize the Digital Garden City-State vision.


Kim Jae-ryol

Fujitsu Limited, Mobility Business Unit, Strategy Promotion Division, Doctor of Environmental Studies

In 2014, he obtained a PhD in Environmental Studies with the theme of the introduction and operation of on-demand transportation and mobility sharing (MaaS). Utilizing the knowledge he has cultivated over the past 15 years in the fields of regional public transportation, MaaS, and smart cities, he commercialized an "on-demand transportation service" in 2019 and is currently rolling out the service to local governments, private companies, etc. He is also active as a transportation expert in Korean transportation magazines, etc.

Expanding business use of location information data / Trends in using location information data in Japan and around the world

LBMA Japan, a general incorporated association, was established in 2020 as an organization that promotes services and marketing that utilize location data. In this session, we will 1) introduce the current activities of the organization, 2) introduce trends in the use of location data in Japan from the "Location Marketing and Service Chaos Map 2022" announced in October 2022, and 3) talk about examples of location data use in North America and other areas from events held by the global organization, the LBMA Global.

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Kuniyuki Kawashima 

Representative Director of LBMA Japan

A graduate of the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, he gained experience in mobile-related sales and incubation in Silicon Valley, USA, before moving to Japan to work in business development and management in the venture industry.

His areas of expertise are requirement definition for BBC services, business development, digital transformation using indoor sensing technology, and utilization and distribution of location information data. In February 2020, he established the general incorporated association LBMA Japan and became its representative director.

Real-time understanding of people flow! Next-generation IoT sensors open up new possibilities for work style digital transformation

In order to realize a "no wandering" work style DX, this session will focus on real-time "people flow." "Where and how many people are there?" is a simple question, but this data holds a variety of possibilities. unerry has made it possible to measure people in real time with its proprietary next-generation IoT sensor, and has contributed to improving business efficiency based on facts. This time, we will also introduce "AI control of air conditioning" in collaboration with NTT DATA as a new initiative.

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Yohei Kanai

Unerry Co., Ltd.
Beacon Bank Division

Beacon Sommelier

After working for a major distribution company and a venture, he joined unerry as its first employee. As unerry's "beacon sommelier," he has selected beacons that take into account marketing/analysis and environmental requirements, and has installed hundreds of beacons in shopping complexes and throughout towns. He has a track record of many projects involving people estimation using next-generation IoT sensors. He is also expanding into visualization of congestion and visualization and quantification of the effects of OOH.

[First half] Retail promotional campaign by point-earning app "Trima" [Second half] Measuring OOH effects and urban development research by "traffic flow x questionnaire"

[First half] "Trima," a "Move to Earn app" that allows you to earn rewards just by moving, has exceeded 10 million downloads in just under two years since its release. We will introduce examples of various promotional measures, such as "Trima Coupon," a promotional service for brick-and-mortar stores that utilizes the location information of 4 million monthly users, real-time geo-push ads, and ads that take over the main app screen.
[Second half] Following on from "Retail promotional measures using the points-earning app "Trima," we will also introduce analysis and research examples that combine location information with surveys and utilize approximately 1 billion daily movement logs, such as "Trima Research's case studies of outdoor/transport advertising visibility surveys and visitor surveys for urban development."


Chatan Naohiro

Geotechnologies Inc. Metaverse BU Application Trima App Product Planning

Joined Geotechnologies (formerly Increment P) in 2003. After working on illustrations for car navigation systems, game apps, lifestyle apps, corporate planning, etc., he was involved in the launch of the points app "Trima" in 2020. He is in charge of monetization and promotion of the Trima app.


Keiichi Takano

Geotechnologies Inc. Metaverse BU Application People Flow Data Product Planning

Joined Geotechnologies (formerly Increment P) in 2018. After working in corporate sales for map database products, from 2021 he will be in charge of product planning utilizing the company's big data.

DAY 03 2022.12.2 fri

Opening: Representatives from the three host companiesintroduce the highlights of today's presentations

Shota Okamura

President and CEO of B-CAP Inc.

In November 2014, he released the beacon management platform "Beacapp" as the new business manager of Jena Co., Ltd. As a pioneer in the use of beacons in the BtoC and BtoB fields, he expanded the business and released the location tracking service "Beacapp Here" in December 2017. In December 2018, he co-founded Beacap Co., Ltd. with our company representative Nakagaki, and is currently the CEO and President of Beacap, leading the sales expansion of "BeacappHere" and the contract development business using IoT/sensors.

Pursuing new normal ways of working
- Promoting "CASUAL COLLISION" by using Beacapp HERE -

Our new office, "NISSIN GARAGE," was completed in March 2021.
This office incorporates a system called "Casual Collision" as a new office concept in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Casual Collision" is the idea of generating creative ideas through chance encounters and clashes with other departments, and this kind of office mechanism has been embodied in "NISSIN GARAGE."
Beacapp HERE detects where employees work and the density of employees, as well as visualizes information such as the congestion status of the office and the occupancy rate of meeting rooms, creating an environment where employees can work comfortably even in a completely free address office. We would like to introduce "NISSIN GARAGE", which uses Beacapp HERE to promote casual collisions and pursues the new normal way of working.

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Nozomi Naoe

Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. General Affairs Department Manager

Born in 1981. Worked in the general affairs department of an IT company for 12 years. Involved in numerous office construction projects and launch projects for various employee welfare facilities (diners, daycare centers, office concierges, etc.). After that, joined Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd., where he was involved in the project for "NISSIN GARAGE," an office that won the Nikkei New Office Award (New Office Promotion Award), and continues to work there to this day.

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Rintaro Seki

Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. General Affairs Department and Well-being Promotion Department, Well-being Planning Office Manager

He joined Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. in 2020. He is mainly responsible for office construction in the General Affairs Department, and completed the construction of "NISSIN GARAGE," a space where employees can work creatively, in 2021. He currently also works in the Well-being Planning Office, which pursues the well-being of employees, and is in charge of developing complete nutritional meals for employees.

Shunsuke Ushio

Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd.

General Affairs Department

Kawasaki Heavy Industries' Indoor Positioning Infrastructure Will Help Us Get Into an Era Where Location Information Can Be Used Seamlessly, Even Indoors

The indoor location information service iPNT-K is not a conventional spot positioning service, but an indoor positioning infrastructure that aims to build an environment where Japanese citizens can use location information in any indoor space. In the near future, it will become commonplace to use location information seamlessly both indoors and outdoors, with GNSS/GPS on the ground and iPNT-K indoors.